Sponsored accounts are one tool University departments may use to grant door access to non-University-appointed individuals. Below is a guide on the account creation process. Sponsored accounts need to pay the U Card Fee to receive a U Card.
Step 1: Request a sponsored account
After reading through our sponsored account materials, if you are sure the sponsored account option is right for your department, click on the "Request a Sponsored Account" button from the information page.
Step 2: Input account data
Sign into the my-account portal and enter the details of your sponsored account holder.
After clicking "Submit", you will have a short wait while the system loads the new account. You will then be presented with a confirmation screen.
Step 3: Check your email
You will receive a confirmation email with a link to input your department's EFS information for payment of the sponsored account.
Step 4: Input your billing information
Click on the setup link in the email from the previous step. Then, enter your billing information in all applicable fields.
Step 5: Select U Card eligibility
Scroll further on the page and select the "Request, U Card eligibility" box. Then hit "Submit". Failure to select this box will result in the sponsee being ineligible for a U Card.
Step 6: Confirmation
After hitting submit, you will receive a confirmation that "Sponsored U Card eligibility has been requested:".
At this point, you may send the person receiving the U Card to the U Card Office (Coffman location only). Make sure they have a valid form of primary ID. You will not receive further information on the eligibility of this account for a U Card.
Questions about the process above should be directed to University IT