Students, Faculty, & Staff
Below link not working? View your balance here (will open in a new tab).
Other Account Holders
Visitor Gopher GOLD Cardholders and Summer Conference Card Holders
Below link not working? View balance here (will open in a new tab).
Parents & Guests Viewing a Student's Gopher GOLD Balance
University student record information, including Gopher GOLD account balance and transaction history, is recorded online in a dynamic profile that is continually updated and managed by One Stop Student Services.
A student must grant permission for a parent or guest to view the balance in their Gopher GOLD Account. Access may be granted to view the balance in the Gopher GOLD Account through an online authorization process hosted by One Stop Student Services.
To find out more about how to grant Parent/Guest Access so that a guest can view the accounts for Gopher GOLD Value, student Meal Plans and FlexDine visit the One Stop Parent/Guest Access Webpage.
One Stop Parent/Guest Access Page
If you would just like to deposit to a student's or another person's Gopher GOLD account you do NOT need Parent/Guest Access. You only need Parent/Guest Access to see a person's Gopher GOLD balance and transaction history.
Transaction Questions and Disputes
Meal Plans and Dining Dollars
Questions or disputes regarding dining transactions should be sent to [email protected]
Gopher GOLD
Questions or disputes regarding Gopher GOLD should be taken to the vendor/location where the transaction occurred who will request refunds or reversals as needed. The Gopher GOLD manager is unable to reverse transactions without the consent of the charging department.