Exciting Changes Coming to Campus Vending

Exciting Changes Coming to Campus Vending

A new food and snack vending operator will be joining us soon! Starting in late December and continuing through late January, you will notice some changes to the food and snack vending machines across the Twin Cities campus. 

During the transition period, vending machines may be temporarily offline as they are replaced with new machines. 

What is changing 

What is not changing 

  • All current payment methods will continue to be accepted, including cash, credit/debit cards, electronic payments, and Gopher GOLD. 

Thank you for your patience as we work with our vendors on this change. Questions or concerns? Email us at [email protected].

News & Promotions

Updates to the Gopher GOLD Account Terms and Conditions will be effective March 1, 2025.

Starting in late December and continuing through late January, you will notice some changes to the food and snack vending machines.

Beginning on Wednesday, May 29, the U Card Office is giving away fifty (50) Gopher GOLD prizes of $10!

The Gopher GOLD and Dining Dollars management system will undergo an upgrade to enhance reliability and security from March 4–6, 2024. During this time, you will not be able to use Dining Dollars and Gopher GOLD.

Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to take part in Gopher GOLD bonus week the week of February 12, 2024! Get $5 in Gopher GOLD for every $50 you deposit up to $500 - make the most of your money on campus with this limited-time offer! In-person only.

Due to a software issue, Gopher GOLD inactivity fees will not be captured for February 2024.

Students took part in the hunt for Goldy's U Card for a chance to win one of three $100 prizes!

The new U Card is a powerful tool to ensure that University community members have quick and easy access to vital mental health resources. 

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Employee Transit Pass (ETP) for Twin Cities Campus employees. 

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities is proud to announce that it has been named the recipient of the National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU) Best Video Award for 2023.

We're on a mission to make sure you never miss out on any of the fantastic deals and promotions from Gopher GOLD. Sign up here!

Beginning in fall 2022, more than 39,000 University of Minnesota students who pay a Transportation and Safety Fee gained access to a Universal Transit Pass (UTP).

To apply for a Huntington sponsorship, please review the information on the program website and complete the application form. The form must be completed 45 days prior to the event.

As approved by the Board of Regents in their June meeting, the U Card Office is initiating a fee schedule change for services relating to U Cards, the Gopher GOLD Program, department ID cards, and temporary access cards.

The U Card website has been redesigned and revamped to offer a stellar user experience for students, staff, parents, and guests to learn more about the U Card and Gopher GOLD, and take action regarding their cards.